Thanks for stopping by!

I’m Julia Martino, a qualified librarian turned social media manager.

Originally from the beautiful town of Oamaru, I'm now based in Auckland after a wonderful six years in my favourite city, Wellington. Over the last 13 years, I’ve overseen social media for public libraries, non-profits/charities and NGO’s and local Civil Defence. I’ve also run workshops on social media for local businesses and spoken at conferences about the power of social media.

I started Verve Social Media Management because I know the importance of a great online presence. I want to help you utilise the power of social media to grow your business, build relationships with customers and feel comfortable leveraging the incredible opportunities social media presents.

When I’m not working, I enjoy exploring Auckland with my husband, Facetiming my niece and nephews, and reading (a given as a former librarian!).

You can connect with me on LinkedIn here.

Ready to get started?

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Looking forward to hearing from you!